Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fall for DY: DYguy's Seasonal Picks for Men -- Pick Four: Meteorite

In the "Fall for DY" five-part feature, DYguy runs through the gentleman's must-haves for fall/winter '13-14. His fourth pick, which is for the new year of 2014, is meteorite, a stone which recently secured its very own collection at David Yurman.

a David Yurman men's ring with meteorite inlay

From DYguy:  Put simply, meteorite ravishes the eye. Its crystal structure lures, intrigues, and stimulates. No other exotic stone in my collection has garnered more compliments from friends, acquaintances, and colleagues alike. There is no better way to start a new year than by putting your best foot forward, and that "foot" in men's jewelry is undeniably meteorite.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey there, Sarah. When meteorite debuted, DY claimed it was limited edition. Well, we know now that the collection is here to stay, but evidently the same cannot be said of the first-generation pieces. They are gone from the boutiques, as well as the online store. I think this piece is meant to replace the one pictured, almost as a form of spiritual successor:

    I know; it's not the same, but it's the only ring currently available that bears resemblance.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sarah, I have two recommendations for you.

    Recommendation #1: Browse the DY men's ring selection, and when you spy one you think he'd enjoy, snag it. Chances are your first instincts are good.

    Recommendation #2: Go with something Royal Cord. These pieces are timeless and, in my opinion, complement any look!

    Happy shopping! :)

  5. subcluvul_o-2002 Greg Jacobsen Crack

  6. inamnutra1980 Jeff Vazquez Crack
