Monday, September 9, 2013

Five Questions about the Lance Bass Ring-with-a-Ding Hubbub

So in case you haven't been keeping up with your Lance Bass news (I only sort of fault you for this), the former popstar is now engaged to his boyfriend of almost two years, Michael Turchin. Evidently Turchin said yes on Sunday, September 1, as that is the date on which Bass posted this Instagram:

Lance Bass and fiance Michael Turchin
Image Credit: @LanceBass (Instagram)
Two days later, @DavidYurman posted this (see below) on Twitter:

Tweet from @DavidYurman to @LanceBass: Congratulations Lance and Michael! We're thrilled that you chose us to be a part of this incredible day.
You see, a source told People Magazine Bass "went to three stores and couldn't find anything [ring-wise]" until, at Saks Fifth Avenue, "[h]e saw a David Yurman ring, and he knew that was the one...." Well, of course, @DavidYurman had to reach out publicly once this (soft) news broke.

Only the story doesn't end there. Yesterday afternoon, Bass responded to @DavidYurman's tweet with the following:

Tweet from @LanceBass to @DavidYurman: we love the engagement ring but @saks @saksservice sold us a dented one! Might want to quality check! Such a shame.
...And, strangely, for now, the story does end there. Twenty-some hours have elapsed, and there has been no activity of note in the Twittersphere (excluding, of course, a hearty show of support for Bass from his myriad fans). I'm sorry... can someone please tell me what the heck is going on? Here are my five questions about this ring-with-a-ding hubbub:

1. Are you sure the damage is of the dent variety?
I hate to do this, but let's open the door to a discussion on/about semantics. By definition, a dent is a "hollow or depression in a surface, as from a blow." So is dent what Bass means--did he really buy a dented ring?--or is the ring simply scratched?

2. Of what material is this ring made?
Yurman's wedding band rings are made of only 18-karat gold or platinum. Did Bass purchase one of these--the former will scratch and scratch fairly easily--or did he buy a sterling silver band, which will--to use Bass's word--dent by its very nature and relative softness. (Sterling pieces are not recommended for use as wedding rings.)

3. Did Bass not inspect the piece prior to purchase?
Caveat emptor, right? Let the buyer beware. I guess Bass didn't check the ring over carefully before committing to it, but how can one miss profound cosmetic damage? (Unless the damage was done after purchase, in which case I return to question #2.)

4. Why has DY gone quiet?
At the time of writing, @DavidYurman has yet to respond publicly to Bass's tweet. For what is the company waiting?! It has a dissatisfied, vocal celebrity on its hands. Avert the potential PR nightmare. Issue a rejoinder, and issue it publicly.

5. Will there be resolution?
And this is where you come in, dear reader. Tell me: what are your thoughts on this matter? Who's in the wrong? Do you fault DY or Saks Fifth Avenue (or perhaps Bass)? Will there be closure on this episode? Sound off; post a comment or shoot me an E-mail. I'll, of course, update this story as/if it develops.

UPDATE: It appears DY reps have, indeed, reached out to Bass and provided the service for which the former boy-bander clamored. (See below.) It would have been nice to see the celeb publish something to that effect, however. (His most recent tweet on the subject is the one above in which he calls Yurman out.)

Tweet from @Stoney_Official: BRAVO to @DavidYurman for helping @LanceBass after @Saks visit. #TeamYurman

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